Friday, May 14, 2010

Chuckles strikes again

Apparently my job is to brighten up the office staff and make them laugh. Pam and Bob recently took a few days off and went on a birthday cruise with friends. Pam felt the need to get some new outfits for the trip and since returning has been wearing some of them to the office. Today she had on a blouse that looked like a tie dye shirt with a splash of blue on the side of the front. It really was pretty but when Chuckles saw it he said to Pam, "It looks like you were in a paint ball battle and you lost." Foxy tells me that there were sequins on it too but I didn't see them. Did they add to the lustre of the shirt? Could they have been awards from the paint ball battle? I will have to ask Pam. Fortunately she did manage to laugh over my comments but probably will soon get even. Happy travels.

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