Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

I wanted to say that the presents were all wrapped, the decorations hung, carols sung, and we were all nestled snug in our beds while visions of....... Oops, wrong story. We had a full park this weekend. The rigs rolled in, golf carts were rolled off trailers, kids hopped on bikes, and the weekend was underway. Little did the guests realize all the work taking place behind the scenes. At eight in the evening we were still parking guests on Friday. Saturday arrived all too early as we began the final preparations for the evening party.

We would have three bands this evening, feed 480 people pulled pork sandwiches, cole slaw, and beans. For some, the free beer made the evening. I drank four Dr. Pepper sodas and called it too much. The music varied from great to loud. After working in the office all day, Foxy helped serve dinner and clean up the concession stand, and finally after ten we went home, but I had to also go back up and lock up the buildings and pools. Somehow we lived through all the fun.

Sunday dawned all too soon, and we were both back at it beginning to clean up after the party and trying to meet guests needs. Today basically was another clean-up day as about 140 rigs departed by noon, and we had to keep track of their goings, as well as clean up all the garbage. By noon we had most of it in trash bins, but then we had to get out the tractor so that we could squish the trash down to be able to get in more. Don saw our efforts and got out the big front loader and really tamped the trash into the bin. We hope that the garbage guys can get the bins emptied when they come tomorrow.

Sadly, one of our work camper got out of line and will be leaving Tuesday morning. The details do not belong here. I feel sad for him. He has much to learn. We worked well together.

I like my opening line better and want to watch grandchildren open presents. I guess I will have to wait for Christmas. Happy travels.

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