Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do you want to repair my RV?

I stopped in the office today to see if we had any mail, and Gloria asked how the repair work was going. I said that we were starting to lay down the new tile. She knew that we had had a terrific time getting the old tile up and was happily surprised to learn of our progress. Then she said, "Would you like to repair my RV when you get yours done?" I said, "No!!!! I charge $130 per hour!" and Gloria started to laugh and laugh since she knew about our trip to Ancera and the information that they charged $130 per hour. It gave her a laugh and with a smile on my face, I went on about my business.

We are making progress, although it seems to be slow to us, on our RV repair. This afternoon we ordered more tile and more carpet as somebody who might be a math major cannot figure area and square feet and things like that. I may yet get this thing figured out but was so tired today that I just laughed about my mistake. Happy travels.

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