Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fish Grill

Yesterday while in San Antonio we decided to have lunch at a fish grill in the southeast shopping center at the intersection of 281 and the outer loop. As we walked in, Foxy wondered out loud, "What do you suppose they serve in there?" There was a bit of a pause and out came the answer, "Fish, maybe?" I can't help myself. By now Foxy is used to me and did not hit or murder me, although she has every right.

We had poor boys with fried oysters, salads, and shared some french fries. It was all washed down with Shiner Bock beer. No dinner for us that night. We love to eat a good lunch and then skip dinner or graze on leftovers or other snacks.

After a bit of more shopping we headed back to Kerrville. At one point we got a call from the business manager where we bought our Malibu. She had to redo some of the paperwork, and would we come in and sign the new papers. Our monthly payment would even go down a bit. When we arrived at the dealer's, we signed the paperwork and decided to shorten the time of the loan since the payments would only go up some. How nice of this person to work out the best possible deal for us. That is Kerrville for you. Happy travels.

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