Monday, September 27, 2010

Oregon or bust

Foxy woke up early and could not get back to sleep, so once I woke up, we quickly packed up and hit the road. Again today, no squawking sensor. Yeah! We headed west and drove through farm land that depended upon irrigation for water. We drove along the Snake River and commented on the fact that there were so few trees. We stopped for lunch at a road rest stop and drove into Oregon. The road gradually rose until we dropped into the Columbia River watershed and followed this river west. This particular drive is one of my all time favorites, as this river is spectacular. At many points it seems as if the river is a mile wide. There are roads and trains on both sides, whether you travel the Oregon or the Washington route. Several years ago we stopped at an RV park in The Dalles but could not find it this trip, so we went on for about another forty miles to find a spot for the night at another KOA about 40 miles east of Portland.

Once parked we discovered that one of the protective awnings over a front slide had come loose and needed to be reattached. The joys of traveling in a motor home. Fortunately, I had learned how to do this when I rebuilt the slide back in the spring. Foxy cooked some Chicken Piccata for dinner, which was excellent and much enjoyed by me. Now a bit of TV and then bed. Happy travels.

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