Sunday, September 5, 2010

You might be a senior if .......

In the tradition of Jeff Foxworthy, I would like to comment occasionally on what it is like to be a senior citizen. I would appreciate all suggestions and additions. So please join in.

You might be a senior if you are slowly driving down the road, got passed by a man in a hurry who waved a finger, and you wondered if he was a member of the Woodcarvers of America since he apparently had only one finger left on that hand.

You might be a senior if you went into your living room, forgot what you were there for, and returned to the kitchen where you started and then forgot where you had been.

You might be a senior if you overheard something about the President died and you stopped to remember that FDR died and what you were doing when your learned of his death.

You might be a senior if you wonder why everyone mumbles. If they would only speak up and speak clearly these days, you could hear them, too. Oh well, just make up what you thought they said.

You might be a senior if you try to answer your new cell phone commenting, "How do you answer this thing?" and get the reply from your wife, "Try 'Hello!'' "

Hope you enjoyed these. If you send me some suggestions by email or comment on the blog, I will try to add more in the future. Thanks and happy travels.

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