Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fly or dump or....

Today was the day we had decided to take stuff to the dump and do some recycling. This plan was a good one until we checked to learn that the dump was only open on Friday through Sunday. What to do? Being stymied, we gave it a bit of thought and went flying. Arthur is a pilot, and he and his brother Donn (also a pilot) keep a plane here in Friday Harbor. I took the camera and got a few shots of the many islands. It was a beautiful sunny day in which to fly. The air was calm, and we took off into the wind.

I loved the whole thing. Arthur flew the plane up to over 2000 feet and we could see Victoria, British Columbia, Canada which is just a few miles from San Juan Island where Friday Harbor is located. We checked out Orca and Lopez Islands and could see ferries working their way to the various inhabited islands. At Friday Harbor one ferry was leaving and another arriving. We say Mount Baker whose snow-covered summit was shining in the sun. We even saw Mount Rainer in the distance over 100 miles away. Some of the tops of the Olympic Mountains were snow covered as well. Finally after a half hour of total bliss, we circled back and returned to Friday Harbor Airport.

Arthur called Foxy, and we all met for lunch at Vic's, a great hamburger and fish joint which has not changed decor in years. The food is still excellent, and we enjoyed clam strips among other items. Home again and I unpacked my stained glass collection and tools and got organized to start a new glass project. Happy travels.


Anonymous said...

Just saw Byron and he said lots of photo's are available from your jeep trip and apparently flight now. Glad you made it, sounds beautiful please post photos. :):):):)

Jules said...

Love the slide show!!! Looks beautiful!!

sperlonga said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely! Would love to live near the water again!