Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beach combing

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, and we decided to go to several of the beaches on the island and look around. Grand daughter Keilah has asked us several times whether we had been to look for beach glass, and so we decided to do so. We went to South Beach and two or three others and actually found a few pieces of beach glass. Keilah will be so proud. Several years ago when we were in Friday Harbor, Kristy brought her brood up, and they spent some time looking for glass and loved it. We sent them home with a small bag full. I wonder if they still have it. Keilah must have remembered doing this and hoped we had done it again.

At one of the beaches a group of people came along and they had a very cute Scotty dog. When asked the name his master said Duffy or MacDuff. Robert, this is another pet with the name Duffy. Maybe it is more common than we know. He was a very cute dog though, and I wanted to take him home to play with Max, but one dog in a motor home is plenty. Happy travels.

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