Saturday, November 6, 2010

San Francisco here we come

We left Redding about eight in the morning and before noon had arrived at our next campground, which was about 50 miles east of San Francisco. We planned to get set up and then head into the city. I forgot that I had neatly folded up three large towels and stacked them on the top of one of our slides to absorb and water left there by the many rain storms we received while in Friday Harbor. Why would this matter you might say? When putting out this slide the towels got wedged into the opening, and the slide came to a stop and would not go either in or out. What to do?

We could not pull the towels either in or out and finally decided to tear small strips off in hopes that they would gradually come out and we could get the slide moving again. Three hours later we finally pulled the last pieces of the three towels out and were done. We had used four scissors, a saw, two wrenches, cloth cutting blade, several razor blades and lots of elbow grease. Was it too late for San Francisco? Of course not! Happy travels.

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