Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Home again

We packed up to go back home this morning from Kim's new home in Denton, TX. Max got real excited when I started taking bags out to the car. I left him in doors while I packed the car and soon Kim brought out all of the dogs to see why Max was barking. He jumped right into the car and stayed there so that he would not be left behind. Once on the road he settled down and did not make another peep until we stopped for gas. I had left his leash back at the house so had to get a new one so that Max could be safely let out of the car. The trip back to Kerrville seemed to fly by and by early afternoon we were home to discover that somewhere along the way we had lost the keys to open our motor home. We went through all of our belongings to no avail and since we had left one window unlocked, I borrowed a neighbor's ladder and climbed in through the window. Such an adventure. I guess tomorrow I will have to make a new set of motor home keys. It is good to be home but tomorrow we rent our next truck and repeat the trip back up to Denton with the rest of our things from our storage units. This next trip should not be quite so arduous as it is a few pieces of furniture and the remaining boxes. Carlos packed us up for the first trip and will return to do the same for the second one. He did a great job and so far we have had only one casualty, a yellow vase. Then we will return and move the motor home up to Denton where we will relocate and make our new home. Happy travels.

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