Friday, November 18, 2011

Buddy Roe

We read books by Jan Karon and she writes about an older Episcopal priest who lives in North Carolina. If you have not tried her books I encourage you to do so. It does not seem like a delightful series but indeed they are books about the human condition and all of our foibles.

She uses the expression 'Buddy Roe" and I do not know whether she made it up or it is common to the area in the North Carolina. Generally it is used when one of the guys is talking to another in a group and instead of naming the guy, says, "Buddy Roe." I love the expression and have wondered if anyone that reads this blog either knows of this expression or uses it. I would love to hear. Happy travels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm familiar with the expression "buddy roe" from my youth in N Florida and S Georgia. It was used often in the deep south. I don't know if it is still common place today.