Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A splendid evening

Yesterday was a busy day where we had to get a boy to his music lesson, dinner on the table for kids and grands and their guests, get home to eat out dinner and then get dressed to go out. Kim our youngest daughter was giving a faculty recital and had two others helping. Midori played the piano and Lindsay, a soprano, sang. These three musicians put on a splendid concert. The music was very modern, with dissonance typical and yet they played beautifully together and complemented each others talent. Now I am into music which I find to be harmonious and yet I thoroughly enjoy the four selection played over a two hour period. At the end there was a standing ovation and comments from the audience that included, "This is very professional and what we students are striving to achieve."

When Kim moved to Denton, TX she was replacing a former professor Dr. Gillespie. He threw her a lovely after concert party and we went as part of her groupies. It was lovely but late and we soon left, headed home calling it a marvelous day.

It is such a treat to enjoy our daughter's musical talent and see that other professionals recognize her ability. She has become a mature musician and sets a high bar for her students to achieve. We are very proud of her achievements. Happy travels.

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