Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tornado warning

It is unsettling to see flashed on the television that we are under a tornado watch. Tornado season is supposed to be over by November and apparently the tornadoes are not paying attention to this bit of guidance from our weather man. So, what to do? If we are hit by a tornado, a motor home or car is no place to be since they can so easily be damaged or destroyed. In the park where we are currently located we are supposed to go to the nearest building that has bathrooms and hunker down inside. Since these buildings are made of wood, I wonder whether this will necessarily be any improvement. I do not think there will be time to dig a cellar when a tornado is approaching. Besides, I have to find Max and hook up his leash to his collar and get him to go along with us to safety.

I have wondered what items we should grab on the way out of the door. Wallet and check book come to mind, assuming I can find them since they get left in various places or move about when I am not looking. Lets hope this tornado thing does not come to pass. Happy travels.

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