Monday, November 26, 2007


I woke up thinking of cookies, and grandkids helping to make them. My mom is a self taught, by the cookbook, good cook, and she taught me to make cookies. Now she measures everything the way you are supposed to do it, and her cookies turn out perfectly almost every time. Somewhere along the way, I rebelled and began making cookies by inspiration or something. I have had some spectacular failures but gradually got the feel of what they should look like before putting the dough into the oven and generally get edible ones, at least. For the last dozen years or so, I have been occasionally teaching various grandkids my method of making cookies. I must say that when I ask, "Who wants to help make cookies?" I get lots of volunteers. Realism intrudes and suggests that they want to help because they want to eat the end results, but, then, so do I.

My favorite cookie is a takeoff on Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies, usually due to laziness, made in a pan rather than dropped onto a cookie sheet. My plan is to put as much stuff as possible in the cookies. It all comes down to what might be in the cupboard or pantry. I like to add nutmeats, craisins, white chocolate chips, other dried fruit, candied fruit, raisins, and oatmeal or granola, to name a few things to add. The grandkids come up with their own suggestions and, of course, help along the whole mixing process. The whole thing gets dumped into a greased pan and baked for 30 min at 375 degrees and then comes the tasting after a bit of cooling. We are all really good at this part and, of course, have to talk a bit about what else we could have put in to make them even better.

At Christmas time we gather up any nearby grandkids and make candy and cookies all day and later make up plates of cookies to spread among friends and especially the neighbors. Mom helped us on two different years and loved the whole thing. Best of all, we got to bring a smile to a neighbor or friend who hopefully enjoyed our small treat. Maybe we can do this again when we are in Ann Arbor and can get two boys into making cookies, too. It is fun to make cookies with grandkids and even better, to make memories.

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