Friday, November 23, 2007

The Day After

The park owners of Guadalupe RV Resort sponsor an annual Thanksgiving Dinner for all who wish to attend from the park. We signed up to help serve and brought dishes to pass . Don (the park owner) provided turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, dishes, silverware, and things to drink. Residents brought dishes to pass. We had opening ceremonies (which included a quartet singing "Come Ye Thankful People" and all of us singing "God Bless America), a welcome from Don and a salute to our troops, a blessing, and then we began the serving process. Everyone was so polite, thanking each of us for serving, calling us "ma'am" and "sir," and very quickly, nearly 200 people were enjoying the feast. Once all were served, we went through the line and sat down to our dinner. Even though we had dessert, neither overate. What a fine tradition this is, and we have enjoyed it several times when we were staying here at this time of the year.

We also thoroughly enjoyed talking with our children and grands, and the final call was from Mom, who had just returned to her home after dinner at granddaughter Joan's house. She had made mincemeat pie from a recipe that uses green tomatoes and a bit of rum. Not keeping such a thing in her house, she had to go to the liquor store earlier and purchase a bottle. She asked the girl waiting on her about getting the cork out of the bottle, and the girl laughed and assured her that the screw-top was easy to get off. Nothing in the recipe told her how much rum to add, so she put in a quarter cup and then added some more. Now this is Maurice's favorite pie, so later at their dinner they tasted the mince pie, but neither could find any trace of the rum. Mom, maybe you need to add some more! Anyway, while talking to us she wondered out loud about what to do with the remaining rum. Maurice's wife Anne had suggested a nip or two each night might be a good idea. Mom didn't think so. She instead put bottle under the bathroom sink and wondered if someone would think she was a closet drinker if they found the bottle after she was gone. I just laughed and laughed and suggested she make rum cake or rum ball cookies. No one that I know in the family will ever think she is a closet drinker. We hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner with family and friends.

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