Monday, March 2, 2009

Annual physicals today

This afternoon we meet our new internist here. When we were here before, we had a great doctor, but he had moved from Kerrville by the time we returned last year. So friends recommended a name, and that led to this man. We have to get annual physicals so that we can continue to receive our daily and necessary drugs for high blood pressure and cholesterol. These seem to be under control, but to continue the prescriptions we have to have the annual visit. I suppose that is a good thing, and so off to do the necessary paper work. Probably this year we will have to got colonoscopies which have to be done every five years. Those five years certainly went fast. Fortunately, they put you out so that you do not have to know what they did or how they did it. You just have to hope you behave while they are doing it. There has to be a better way. One year they got me from both ends, and afterwards I asked if they met in the middle? I didn't get an answer to that question. Then there is the dreaded prostate exam which causes many jokes from night time comedians. However, it is not something I look forward to. It seems as you age that your body finds different things to complain about, and then you have to return to the doctor to see if the ailment can be patched up. This is all good, especially if you want to keep on living. Older people like to talk about their physical troubles, and an amazing number of them have serious problems but manage to keep going for the time being. Hopefully, this visit will turn out well and we can put off for another year any return visits. Happy travels.

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

Hey, we're planning a big dinner here on Friday night. The old gang b/4 everyone takes off. Den goes to hawaii on sunday.