Monday, March 16, 2009

Musical evening

On Sunday after church we made ham and navy bean soup and scalloped pork chops with potatoes for the next several meals. We had the soup in the early evening and then left to drive to Mercy Hospital where several of the kids would play a piano number for a group recital. Keilah, James, and Lydia continue their work at the Omaha Conservatory of Music and take weekly piano lessons with Dr. Milvia Rodriguez. It was her group and some students of the violin that were presenting on Sunday evening.

Heather did well on her violin recital, and we endured the other violin players. There were two cute four-year old boys who played their pieces, which lasted all of twenty seconds. Of course we enjoyed our grands playing and at some point will include pictures and maybe even a bit of their playing. We clapped when they curtsied or bowed before playing and then, of course, when the piece was completed.

At the end of the evening refreshments were provided and enjoyed by all. On the way home we treated all five to an ice cream treat at Dairy Queen. When we got home, we were greeted by their dad and mom back from their week-long workshop in Atlanta. They are now officially missionaries and have the daunting task of raising the money to support themselves in this work. We were glad to have them safely home and enjoyed hearing about their activities. It was a great week, and sadly we will be leaving them on Monday. Happy travels.

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