Friday, March 20, 2009

Max is growing

Not seeing Max for two weeks was tough. But, we could not take him on the airplane, so, he had to go to a nearby kennel which we call puppy camp. On Thursday after almost completing the unloading of the truck, we went to get Max. They had given him a bath since he got very muddy during the three days of rain, which happened while we were gone. The folks at the kennel seem to look out for him and enjoy him, so they were sad to see him go home, but we promised to come visit.

Max was glad to get back to his normal surroundings and immediately went out for a good walk and enjoyed that everyone he met mentioned that he was growing like a weed. If you miss two weeks in a growing puppy's life, you can bet you will notice how much he has grown. At the kennel they mentioned how much he ate, too. Fortunately he is not fat, just growing.

We were glad to have our puppy home, and he was glad to be here. Happy travels.

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