Sunday, July 19, 2009

Another Harry Potter Movie

On Saturday in the early afternoon we went to see the latest Harry Potter Movie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It was spectacular, and in my humble opinion, the best of the movies made so far. I particularly enjoyed the scenes of the students trying to deal with their loves and infatuations. We have watched these characters grow into adolescence over many years. They rise to the challenges and seek to checkmate Valdemort and do the evil wizard in. The books are some of the best written books that I have ever read. Rowling gets you interested in the first few words and keeps your rapt attention throughout each book. The movie version of the book must by necessity leave out some good stuff but captures the essence of the book quite well.

If by some peculiar chance you have not read the books or watched the movies, do so. You will enjoy them immeasurably. Happy reading or watching.

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

Den and I saw it Friday night. I was disappointed b/c I felt like they focused too much on the relationship stuff and not enough on what was really going on! we've enjoyed talking about it amongst ourselves, although Will has yet to see it! Linnea and I have tossed FB comments back and forth.I kept getting mixed up what was in what book!!
Glad you saw it!