Saturday, September 26, 2009

Catch up

We are in the middle of our four days off, and today is a catch up day for us. This means laundry, a bit of shopping, and anything else that we need to get done on our days off. We are planning a trip for the month of December where we will go to see Ashley, Tom, and baby Harper (our first great grandchild), then on to Williamsburg, VG and then NY to see brothers and Mom, Christmas with Kim's family, and finally a brief visit to Omaha and then back to Kerrville for New Year's Eve. All of this is weather permitting, of course. We also hope to talk Phyllis and Pat into meeting us in Virginia for a couple of days together.

Meanwhile, we continue our jobs as work campers. Lately I have been trying to save one of our pools from becoming green with algae. This has required several trips to the pool supply store, significant instruction, and many and varied chemicals. I have been adding specific amounts of these chemicals, and the condition has improved, but we are not through quite yet. So on my days off I continue with this pool, as it seemed wiser that one person do the whole treatment rather than have several of us do it in turn. I guess if it all works as planned, I will be quite happy, as it has been a park investment of several hundred dollars.

We have the Texas Rangers here this weekend for a dinner and that has also kept us very busy. They are the equivalent of the FBI here in Texas and have extensive investigative abilities here in the state. I keep wanting to see how they view that activities of the Lone Ranger and Tonto but have managed not to ask so far, since I think they might think this a frivolous question. We do feel quite safe though, with so many Rangers staying here. Last night they cooked prime rib and pork loin for us with sides of beans and fruit cobbler. All was tasty, for sure.

We also went to San Antonio to get my new glasses and run errands and found a great luncheon place. They had excellent chips and salsa, and we want to return for sure. We also got supplies for several work campers while there.

Well, the laundry is about done so I had better finish this post and get on with my catch up duties. Happy travels.

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