Saturday, September 19, 2009

Seekers pot luck and game night

Sam and June opened their lovely home to our seekers group for a pot luck and game night. They have been in charge of the group this year. About 30 of us gathered at their home and enjoyed the varied foods and good conversation. After dinner we then played games like Mexican Train Dominoes, bridge, and Left-Right-Center (a dice game). This group also raises funds for the local food kitchen and donations were taken during the evening. We enjoy these folks very much and hated to leave. Driving home we saw lots of deer along the road and had to drive very carefully.

One of our members is Alejandrina who came to this country from Mexico when she went to The University of Michigan to learn English. She went on to be a Montessori Teacher and then later in life fell in love and married. She and her husband shared 25 years before he succumbed to pancreatic cancer. Widowed for the past five years she keeps busy with church work and belonging to groups like Seekers. It was fun to sit next to her while playing dominoes and to hear her story. Happy travels.

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