Thursday, September 17, 2009

Max learns the steps

For some reason Max has been afraid to come down the steps of our motor home. Perhaps it is because to him the steps seem a long way down or maybe it was the time he tried to do them and fell and rolled on the ground. For whatever the reason, he would not come down the steps. Instead he would lie down at the top of the steps and look out into our world and whine if he saw one of his doggy friends or one of our acquaintances go by. Our friend Clayton even brought over his dog Angel and had her go up and down our steps several times while Max watched. Finally I took to putting Max on the top step and gently pushing him until he had to go down. He managed this without falling but resisted going down until tonight. I wanted to take him out for his evening walk, put on his leash and went outside calling and whistling to get him to come to the top of the steps. He finally came to the door and crouched down and finally went down all by himself. This will really help HW2 as he is too heavy for her to now pick up and take down the steps.

Of course we now have the problem of getting him to go up the steps. I have been placing him midway and he is gradually beginning to get the hang of it but not really successful yet. So we are half-way there in this learning exercise. Not bad for a ten month old puppy. Happy travels.

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