Sunday, September 20, 2009


How well do you wait? I do get impatient when driving behind another slow driver, seemingly long traffic lights, and other things that can exasperate me. Generally though, I think that I wait well. Others might disagree. I do like to be on time and expect others to do the same. HW2 is really good at being on time but does not like to be early at all. Most older people we have met are good at being on time or are in the 'get there early club'.

Lately I have been thinking about how one waits to die. This is not being morbid or depressing; rather it is speculation for me. When we are young, we have no concept about this. As teenagers or young adults we discover that all of us die at some point but generally put it out of our minds and act as though we will live forever. Perhaps that type of thinking causes us to be surprised when a young person mets their demise and then many show up for the funeral.

When you get older, you are likely to come to terms with death and in some ways, wait for this event. So I have been waiting. My dad lived to be 70 years of age and some months, and I hope to outlive him. Perhaps when I surpass his age, I will put waiting on the back burner. I do know that most of the time I get on with life and thoroughly enjoy each moment. I do think that it is a blessing that we do not know when our ending will be. I willingly leave that to God. Still I wait and wonder. In many ways, I look forward to the passing on process and think it will be lovely to be in my heavenly home. It may take quite a time in purgatory though, before final arrival. Happy travels.

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