Friday, September 11, 2009

Max is learning to talk

Now this may seem silly to you the reader, but, clearly, Max is learning to talk. He wants to talk so badly that he tries various sounds out that I have never heard another dog make. He barks to go outside to do his business but that is not really talking. When I put on my work sneakers in the morning he really gets into it. He carries on quite a conversation with me and does his darnedest to interrupt the process. He play chews anything he can and squirms under my feet all the time while I try to get the shoe laces tied up. He vocalizes throughout and seems to me to be saying, "Don't go to work!" "Stay home and play with me!"

If I ask Max a question he tilts his head and looks me square in the eyes and tries his darnedest to answer. If I try to make the sounds he is making, he really gets hopeful. So, I have concluded that Max is trying his best to talk. I hope he succeeds. The world need another Dr. Doolittle. Then maybe Max could translate for me what other dogs are saying and I could then intercede between them and their masters. Wouldn't that be fun? I keep encouraging Max in this endeavor. Happy travels.

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