Monday, April 11, 2011

Max meets donkey

Here at Johnson Creek RV Resort they have several donkeys and horses. They seem to enjoy the pasture and have little to do but enjoy a daily feed and nibbling grass. When Max saw them on one of his walks, he cautiously went up to them and tried to climb the fence to get even closer. Finally he barked as if to say, "Come on and play with me." One donkey did get his face next to Max but apparently decided he was of no interest and went back to eating grass. I wondered what Max thought of these critters. The horses ignored him completely. I think he though they were very big dogs, and they ought to be fun to play with but it did not work out. Maybe he can get them to react today on a walk. Max and I went out again this morning, and when he saw the donkeys, he tugged me right toward them. Once at the fence they saw Max and came right over. One of the donkeys and Max touched noses and that made Max so happy that he ran up and down the fence line, and the donkey did the same. Then Max barked, but the donkey didn't. They lost interest, and we returned home. Happy travels.

1 comment:

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