Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday drive

When we were growing up we sometimes took a Sunday drive. Dad would get us all in the car, and maybe we would go get soft ice cream or visit a friend or relative or maybe travel down a road we had not explored. One time we traveled to the border between New York and Pennsylvania, and I remember brother Maurice cleverly stating he could not decide what state to think in as we sat on the border. During the war years we did not do this much since gas was rationed and tires hard to come by. If your tire got a flat, then you stopped and repaired the tire or innertube, and then continued on your way. More than one flat in the same trip was not fun and generally made dad unhappy. You may remember the famous tire changing scene in the movie The Christmas Story. However, I do not remember dad cussing, although he probably did. Yesterday in an effort to get Foxy out of the house, we decided to take a Sunday drive. We went looking for Mo Ranch which is owned by the Presbyterian Church and has a Sunday brunch, which we hope to try on Easter Sunday. Since we were not exactly sure where the ranch was located, it seemed like a good destination. Our first effort resulted in turning the car around and trying another road. Almost twenty beautiful miles later we found the ranch and explored it a bit. The road to the ranch wound along the Guadalupe River and crossed it many times during the twenty miles of our treck. Each time as we crossed the river we found kids and their families playing or swimming in the river and maybe having a picnic. One man was sitting on a folding chair in the river. Several kids were playing on innertubes, and it looked very inviting. We wondered how cold the water was but did not investigate furthur. The Sunday drive brightened up my ailing Foxy giving her pretty scenery to watch and a chance to get out. She claimed that tomorrow she will be on the road to recovery, and I pray she is right. It has been a nasty cold to endure. Have you taken a Sunday drive lately? I know the price of gas is outrageous, but a few miles drive can lift your spirits and give you a better outlook. Happy travels.

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