Monday, December 12, 2011

Foxy is coming down with a cold

Foxy woke up this morning not feeling well at all. I took off to get the oil changed in our car and to find some needed parts to hook up an extra propane tank. The oil change got completed but the extra parts could not be found. This means that very soon we will have to pack up the motor home, rev up the engine and move this old dinosaur nearer to the office to access propane from their supply tank. It is just a pain to make this move but no other possibility seems to be workable.

Even though Foxy was under the weather we went over to take care of the boys this afternoon. I tried to get her to stay home but you know her. She doesn't give up and give into an illness easily. She is a fighter. Jon had his piano lesson which I drove him too and we got the dishes cleaned up and some clothes folded and the boys did a bit of work on the computer and played a bit of solitaire too. Kim showed up about five o'clock and continued with dinner preparation and we headed home.

On the way we decided to buy a cooked chicken for dinner but had no success at two different grocery stores and finally got fried chicken at Chicken Express. This place did cook chicken but it clearly was not express. We waited quite awhile but finally our order was filled and we went home for dinner. Now we are waiting for Castle to come on at 9:00 and then off to bed. Happy travels.