Sunday, December 4, 2011


I was talking to my mom the other day and started with, "Hello, I am checking on you. How are you?' She replied, "What?" I repeated myself and again got. "What?"
Then, "Wait a minute and I will put in my hearing aids." I thought maybe I had better put in mine too. Then our conversation continued with each of us hearing much better. Getting old is a challenge and not for sissies, according to mom.

I find myself making up what I think the other person might have said and then have to laugh when I find out that I was nowhere near the actual conversation. It makes for interesting talking. I also find that after a delay, I often realize what actually was said and have to change my responses accordingly. Mom has been hard of hearing for many years and actually you had to touch her to get her attention so that she realized what was being said. Her hearing aids help some. I guess you had better enjoy your hearing as long as you are able. All of my family is hard of hearing and conversations are frequently quite funny as we misinterpret what is being said. Oh well, at least we can laugh about our foibles. Happy travels.


Unknown said...

It's very beautiful blog, I'm happy to visit your blog,
becoming a yoga instructor

C and J said...

Good luck with the yoga teaching.