Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baps and Peewadin'

Now I get very interested in words, especially when I have no idea what they mean, or how they are used. Several years ago, HW2 and I were beginning a trip in the British Isles and were staying in Canterbury in a bed and breakfast which had been made out of a hops barn. Now hops, a flower, are a key ingredient in beer, helping to preserve the beer and give it a taste that is not sweet, and so it is very important. We had decided to go into town to get lunch and preferred to get lunch in a pub. We ordered beer and a sandwich and were enjoying them and, especially, the conversations around us. Several people were reminiscing about what it was like to live in England during WWII. They included us in their conversation and then asked how we liked the bap. Not knowing what a bap was, it was a hard question to answer. But, not being shy, we asked what was a bap or bop, or whatever it was. They all laughed and told us that a bap was a roll, and we were eating one right then as our sandwich. So, if you get to England, you have a head start and can impress the natives by ordering a bap with your lunch.

The first time we came to visit Kerrville, we stayed in an RV park right in town and were not always careful to come in the entrance, since we were parked very near the exit. One day, I pulled the car in the exit and scared a lady pulling out. She rolled down her window and shouted that I had scared the peewadin' out of her. Unlike the bap, I had an idea what I had scared out of her, but I went over to her car and apologized for coming in the exit and scaring her. She forgave me and asked if I knew what peewadin' was and I agreed I did. Have you ever had the peewadin' scared out of you?

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