Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day

Many years ago, I was in England over the Christmas season and noticed that they celebrated Boxing Day. I asked what this day celebrated but have since forgotten exactly what the event was to commemorate. So I have made up my own notion of this day.

I really think a good way to celebrate this day would be to box up any gift you did not want and return it in its box to the store for a refund. Another possibility would be to just enjoy your collection of boxes. My mom saves boxes. One time we had an exchange student visiting with us over a holiday, and I got the idea to clean out the attic of all of Mom's empty boxes. We carefully threw them down the stairs and had almost all the empty boxes thus cleared out when Mom came home. She was not happy with me and mortified that I would do such a thing with a guest. So, I had to take all the empty boxes back up the stairs and put them back into the attic. Now I have wondered why she continues to keep these boxes and actually have asked her on occasion why she saves them. The typical response is, "I might need them" or, "When I move I need to repack the item so it is easier to be moved." We have laughed about this collection of empty boxes, and she has really enjoyed her hobby. So, Boxing Day could be a chance to inspect your collection and enjoy any new or recent additions.

1 comment:

C and J said...

And is it any wonder I can be cheerful when I am married to you? And anyone can plainly see one of the reasons I love you so much! Thank you for the most wonderful life and love! I love you, too, Sweetie!