Monday, December 17, 2007

Forts and Snowballs

When you were a kid ,did you ever make forts and have snowball fights? We sure did, and they were such fun. Of course, you had to have good packing snow to indulge in this winter sport. Dry snow just dosen't work well. Once you got your fort ready, you split all of the neighborhood kids into two groups, and the fun begins. Snow balls are crafted and stored, and then the raids on the other fort began. Everyone got repelled by a blizzard of snow balls. Then everyone had to retreat and then start the fun all over again. The final assault resulted in the fort being overrun and getting smashed to the ground with lots of yelling and throwing. It makes you wonder how we ever stop making wars.

For less adventure risking types there is snowman creating. The first ball for the base needs to be quite large to hold the middle and top ball to make the belly and head of your creation. If the snow was especially good or deep you could create a large snowman and then find stuff to make the face and buttons and maybe hands or an old hat to top it all off. Most kids brought up in snow country seem to innately know how to do these activities and do them well.

Finally, when you are exhausted, and your hands freezing, you go inside to warm up and if you are real lucky, maybe some hot chocolate. It is fun to think back and remember all the good times we had playing in the snow. On Saturday, Tim took all five grands and three visitors sledding. They all arrived back home tired but happy. The joys of childhood!!!!

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