Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Karl came by and invited us to join him and Betty to watch Jeopardy and have a glass of wine. We took Chex mix and joined them and had a good visit. One of the jeopardy answers was Mark Twain, who had apparently said he wanted to go to heaven for the climate but hell for the company. We all thought this a very funny comment but had not heard this quote before. They showed us their Christmas decorations, and we talked about where our kids lived, and how many grandchildren we each had. It was a fun time. Karl likes to play poker and has asked me to join the weekly session, but so far I have managed to escape. I am not a very good poker player. He thinks that I need to learn how to play Texas Hold 'Em. We shall see. He and Betty also like stained glass, and they have purchased two of our crosses and now maybe a manger scene, if I can get it done before we head north.

Yesterday was a day with the temperature in the 70's, and so I decided to wash the car and finish washing the motor home. Both needed some attention, and now they look much better. HW2 wrapped packages, and we made a trip to the post office to get our Christmas mailing done. While I was washing the motor home, I got to visiting with another neighbor, Larry and his wife Judy. This is their third venture into full-timing in their fifth wheel, and they love it.

One of the nice things about this life style is that you get to meet interesting people and share life events and stories. The other day at lunch we sat by Jim ,who was recently divorced and living in his trailer on a nearby ranch, rent free, as he also helped out with carpentry jobs there. My, how he could talk! He enjoyed riding his motor cycle and was planning a several week trip on his bike with his dad, who also rides.

We are now busy packing for a trip to Omaha to see kids and grands, and then onward to Ann Arbor to celebrate Christmas with other kids and grands. We are so blessed.

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