Thursday, December 6, 2007

Technologically Challenged

I am technologically challenged, for sure, but I did enjoy what happened today. The cell phone rang, a 402 or Omaha number. Now I have learned how to answer the phone, a major achievement. With the answering, I got gibberish and kept saying hello, hello, and finally hanging up in frustration. HW2 was trying to take a much-needed nap but said, "try hitting 'send' twice and you will call them back." I managed to do this, too. Wow! I got a busy signal and thinking it might be Kristy, left a message. HW2 said the person was probably leaving us a message. Then the phone rang again. I jumped at the sound of the ring and managed to answer the phone again, as,really, I was doing quite well today. I answered," Hello, Kristy!" and got, "This is Laura. Hi, Chuck." Then she said she was shoveling snow, and her phone was in her pocket, and sometimes it did strange thing like play music or call someone. It must have called me. Fortunately, I knew who Laura was and was able to carry on a conversation.
We hung up and laughed and laughed.

Yesterday, Kristy did call, and I answered by hitting the end button which somehow interrupted the call, and so I quickly called her back. How she laughed at me, and then said she needed a laugh. I was glad to help her out.

Several years ago we had a different but new cell phone, and it rang as we were traveling down a highway. HW2 said, "How do I answer this phone?" I, of course, answered, "Hello." I laughed for several miles, and finally HW2 laughed, too. It is one of our favorite stories. Hope you got a laugh, too.

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