Thursday, April 23, 2009

Back to our normal routine

HW2 had her procedure, and finally in the recovery room they managed to get her blood pressure up enough to release her. We went home, and I finally convinced her to take a nap after which she felt just fine. She did have three polyps, but the nurse (Michelle Lyn) seemed to think that the doctor would have been out to talk with us if it was serious. It will take a week to get the biopsy results and then probably cycle back for this awful exam in three years.

I then went to pick up Max from being neutered and having a chip inserted. The chip can be easily read, and he will be returned to us if he should wander or run off. He seemed like nothing had happened, but we kept him close to home and did not take long walks.

Things are back to normal. We went to HEB, our local grocery store, a chain here in Texas that was started in Kerrville to get shrimp to be grilled on the barbie. We had squash with it and then wandered over to our local saloon for a drink before retiring. We had a good visit there with other work campers here and got to know the newest work camping couple a bit more. Susan and Clayton are the ages of Jerry and Kim and make us feel our ages somewhat. They seem like they will fit right in and be good extra hands to have around here. Guess that is all the normal news here. Happy travels.

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