Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring cleaning

For what ever the reason we got into cleaning yesterday. I worked on the bays under the motor home and got them cleaned out and better (one hopes) organized. In this spirit, HW2 dusted, scrubbed, and vacuumed the inside, and generally, we are much cleaner. We also tried to de-clutter and take things to storage. A bit of cleaning is a good thing every once in awhile.

Max went to the veterinarian for a visit to be neutered and to have a micro chip inserted so that should he get lost, maybe he will be returned. We got a call later in the morning that all went well, and that while groggy, he was in recuperation. Max returns home today, and we shall see if he holds any resentment to us for what we had done to him. I do expect his bark to be a bit higher.

HW2 goes in this morning for her colonoscopy procedure. I thing the preparation is worse than the actual work since you are out when they are taking a look. Neither of us looked forward to this but felt it was necessary since HW2's dad had colon cancer and my dad had polyps, as have I. It is amazing what modern medicine can do for you and how fortunate we are to have health insurance. The cost of these procedures is very high. HW2's reward is to get taken out to eat tonight to a place of her choice. We shall see. Happy travels.

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