Friday, April 10, 2009

Life after a colonoscopy

Yesterday dawned with the colonoscopy to be had that morning. As far as I was concerned, "Get it over!" We went to the day surgery center, did the necessary paperwork, happy juice was administered, and then it was all over. No polyps! This was the good result, and so then I do not have to undergo this procedure for three more years. Why not five or ten? It is a heck of a way to lose five pounds. I have not weighed 175 pounds since I was four years old. Well, maybe a bit older.

After the procedure (aren't you glad I left out all of the details? I was out you know), we went out for a late breakfast at Denny's. So good to have a cup of coffee. Then home and I rested a bit. In the evening we noticed that our favorite lady bartender Sam was over at the River Rock Saloon. She had returned from a two-week visit to see her boy friend in Shanghai, China. Of course, we had to go and talk with Sam and hear all about her trip. She even brought us presents of a box of green tea and chop sticks. Her boy friend is an architect working on a very high building there, one of the highest three or four in the world. He is responsible for the very top tower. Sam had a wonderful time and took lots of pictures and filled us in on her travels.

Of course after hearing about China, we had to go out for Chinese food. We have at least three Chinese restaurants here. Then home and quickly to Church. Happy travels.

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