Sunday, April 5, 2009

Each working day is different

When we are working, we never seem to do exactly the same thing the same way. We constantly are learning how to do our jobs. HW2 has the harder task, as she is learning how to use a computer system and meet the varied need of incoming or leaving guests. On the other hand, I get to help guests find their way to their parking site and figure out exactly how they should move their rig from the office area through the park. Then I get to help them back up if necessary or decide if they are close enough to utilities and whether they have room to move out their slides.

On one day I get to ride throughout the park to see who is still here and who has departed. As rigs depart I report this to the office. I read electric meters that need to be read so that electric bills can be figured and paid. I pick up trash and take it to the dumpsters. I check for water leaks, fixing those that need to be repaired. Later on I bag ice if we need some, since campers use a lot of ice. I also bunch up wood to be sold to campers who want a camp fire. I answer questions. I clean swimming pools, use the weed eater, mow lawns, and fix things. Fortunately, we have two old hands (Kenny and Roy) who have been doing this business for many years and are a fount of information and give great tips on how to survive. I never exactly know what will happen next or whether I will finish a job begun, but I love it. There is much freedom to get the job done and the expectation that the job will get done and done well. This is so different from teaching or being a school administrator, except that you never do exactly the same thing in those jobs either. The variety and constantly changing situation keeps me awake on this job. Happy travels.

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