Sunday, August 9, 2009

Did you complain today?

Complaining seems like a given in today's society. We complain about being too fat or too thin, not having enough money, our spouses, our children, and on and on. We complain about rules at work or not having rules at work. I have heard too much complaining lately. I still think that the person doing the complaining should have to listen to him or her self. Frequently, it seems to me that they have a fault that they are complaining about in others. As one example, I overhear one lady loudly complaining about another who was too loud.

What is the solution? I firmly believe if we thought first and complained after thinking about it, we might complain less. I also think if we praised something/someone for every complaint we had, we would be more fun to be around. If for every bad thing, we had to fine a good thing first, there would be less complaining.

There is a place for a complaint that is thoughtful and has the desired intention to improve a situation. That does not mean that the complainer has the corner on good and truth. Rather, finding a constructive suggestion is a way to channel the complaint from being negative to positive. Let us all try to complain less and find ways to love each other more. Happy travels.

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