Friday, August 21, 2009

John Deere tune-up

This season the park manager/owner bought a New John Deere tractor mower. It was a delight to ride and mow the grass. It was so popular that over a month elapsed before I got a chance to try it out. Since I had a 'ride-em' mower in Omaha, I was familiar with the operation and quickly picked up any nuances of this mower. Now I get to ride it almost every week as the mowing business seems to go on for ever as we mow our 60-70 acres of property.

It became timely to do a tune-up on the mower. In Omaha, I had a contract with Sears to do this annually, so I had not done this. Roy and I crawled under the mower to remove the cutting blades, which were quite dull by now. Roy got out a hand grinder and put new cutting edges on the old blades, and we installed a new set of blades. Then it became my job to remove the oil, gas line, and air filters and replace them with new ones. After draining the old oil, we added nearly two quarts of 10-30 weight, and the tractor was ready to go. Why am I telling you about all of these activities? I had never done any of this type of work and thoroughly enjoyed helping with the tune up. I think I can better understand why sons Jerry and Chris and sons-in-law Chuck and Tim enjoy working on their cars. I will remain a novice at tuning engines but it is fun and a new skill for me. Happy travels.

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