Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Change of name

I am 1HW in our blogs, and my sweet wife is HW2. We have been using these designations since we started these blogs several years ago. Well, HW2 decided when we took our month vacation in December not to have the hair fairies color her hair and let the colors grow out to learn exactly what her hair color might have become. When we married some years ago, we both had brown hair, and as the years went by, Mother Nature added color of her choosing. I felt that I had earned all of the grey or white hair and let Mom Nature have her way. Apparently, I have the same color genes for hair that my mother has, and so while I do have much white, in back I have retained a great deal of brown hair. So be it.

HW2, on the other hand, decided to mess with Mom Nature and invited various hair fairies over the years to assist herself. Sometimes she went out to the professionals and sometimes, being a frugal sort, did it herself. The hair fairies were intently watching over her shoulders throughout the process. You could almost hear them clucking away when the color went awry and applauding when all went well. Generally, the colors produced were blond with streaks of this and that here and there. The overall effect was good and maintained for many years.

Now this past December and January, HW2 has stuck to her goal of seeing what her real hair color might be, and Monday she went to the beauty college here for a cut. When she returned home, I saw a beautiful lady who looks quite a bit like the actress Shirley Jones, who apparently has also given up on the work of the hair fairies. So I have given HW2 a new screen name. She is now, "The Silver Fox!"


ashley said...

We need pictures!

joan s s said...

I told Todd recently, we may need to make some changes around here, but I hope I don't have to go gray! If I could only look as good as HW2!