Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kindle e-book birthday present

Yesterday a birthday present arrived in the mail for me. Foxy had ordered me an e-book from called a Kindle. It is really quite something. Once I went through the setup rituals, I was able to order several electronic books from Amazon, and within minutes they were stored on the e-book. It is very readable, weighs little, quite slim, and about the size of a paperback book. It is quite easy to use and will take the place of most, if not all, future book buying. This means not so many books lying about in our limited space in the motor home. It is amazing to me to be able to order a book from Amazon and have it on the reader and ready to be read in about a minute. E-books are also much cheaper than buying either a hardback or paperback version of the book.

I am a bit challenged by technology and have my troubles with computers but get along with Foxy helping here and there. I like to do banking and add to my blog but care for little else except for playing solitaire. Now that I have an e-book which seems to be very user friendly, I may use the computer even less. The cool thing about the e-book is that you can read more than one book at a time, and it remembers where you left off when you last were reading. So Foxy can read a book as well on it, and we can share the Kindle. It has a function that will allow it to read the book to you. I doubt that I will use that function, but who knows. What a lovely birthday present. Thanks, Foxy! Happy travels.

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

Is there a function that will make the print different sizes? And I wonder about reading outside. Is it hard to see? It's been tempting me...