Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Zebras and fireworks

We usually get to bed sometime after 10 pm and then have a nightly ritual of rubbing each others' back. Last night was no different except that Foxy had on her zebra pajamas, and when I began to rub her back soon noticed that I generated lots of static electricity. It must have been very dry here for this to happen. It was like having 40 or 50 lightening bugs just under my hands. It really was quite spectacular. I do know that if you take a glass rod and rub it with fur you can generate static electricity. You can get enough to get a significant discharge. I guess that Foxy's pajamas did their part even though they are not fur, but the fuzzy material works. I hope to get that effect again. Foxy wanted to see the effect and turned over so that I could rub her arm and then she could see all of the small static charges. It was great fun, and we enjoyed our home made mini fireworks display. Those zebra pajamas are the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks, Susie, for the gift to your sister. Happy travels.

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