Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Haircuts and other necessities

Yesterday both Max and I got a haircut. Max went to a nearby groomer, and he sure needed the attention. He had recently eaten a few peanuts, shell and all, and later during the night threw up the shells, mostly on himself. Needless to say he did not smell great after that event. It was time to get him groomed and a necessary bath. I would have done the bath, but it was so cold here that I hated having him wet and running around outside to get dry. The groomer did a good job and Max returned home in much better shape.

Once Max was home it was my turn to go see Jimmy, who cuts my hair. Jimmy gets a bit distracted and does not always finish everything but generally does a passable job. It was good to get tidied up. Now I am ready for the Valentine dinner and dance which will occur this Saturday. Happy travels.

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