Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Warmer weather is on the way

This had been an unusually cold winter here for Texas. Now I am not really complaining since so much of the country has been inundated by snow and very cold weather. In addition, we have had lots of rain which we desperately need, as this area has been in a severe drought mode for two years. The other day on the television weather report of the local evening news, the reporter pointed out the return of springs feeding local creeks and rivers. This means that the water table has risen to near record levels, and our drought is gone.

So we are really thankful for the rain. It is also predicted that we will have a record crop of Texas Blue Bonnets. Their millions of blooms along the hill country many winding roads are simply spectacular. As we drive and see this beautiful country side, we often thank Lady Bird Johnson, who was the force behind beautifying the roadside with local wild flowers.

So we are having many benefits of our rain and cold. Hopefully this year's peach crop will not be wiped out as it was last year by a late frost. For the last two mornings we have awakened to temperatures in the low twenties and maybe an upward trend will now occur. Happy travels.

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