Saturday, May 14, 2011

Doctors and more doctors

All we seem to be doing is visiting doctors. We found out that Foxy needs shoulder replacement surgery, which will happen in about a week and a half in nearby Fredericksburg. I have had one eye cataract replaced and several follow up check ups. Then we visit the skin cancer guy and the prostate cancer guy for a one year follow up. So it goes, but I think I would rather be visiting relatives or friends instead of all of these medical procedures. We are wondering if we are becoming the bionic grandad and grammy. It would be fun to be able to run at 40 miles per hour. I am really kidding. I prefer to walk, not run these days. Maybe we could fix some part of Max, and he could be the bionic dog. Just think: Steve, Jamie, and Max.

We did learn last night that scientists are saving urine, and the hydrogen in it can be converted to energy. Since Max spends most of his days sniffing for a good place to pee, perhaps he could be trained to pee in a collection pot and help this latest scientific endeavor. I doubt it since he has trouble understanding anything I say to him. He just cocks his head as if trying to understand or stares trying to get me to take him outside. I can see it all now. "Come on Max, pee in the bucket not on the bucket." Oh well, there must be something for him. He is going to doggy camp, otherwise known as the kennel, while Foxy is getting her shoulder worked on. Maybe they can train him to ......... Happy travels.

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