Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Max goes to camp

Every once in a while Max gets to go to camp. We mentioned it to him this morning, and he got all excited. He loves to go to camp. I told him that this year he was old enough to begin swimming. I just hope they don't throw him in and let him sink or swim. He has never been in a body of water larger than a mud puddle. I also mentioned to him that he should enjoy campfires (assuming he quits trying to put them out), singing ( he is working on his howl), scary stories (they make him jump, usually backward) and s'mores (chocolate is not good for dogs but the marshmellow, if not burned too much, would be great, although he might get the sticky stuff all over his muzzle). All of these delights should keep him very busy. Besides, all of the other dogs at the kennel cause Max to do much more sniffing than he gets time for at home.

We sent Max to camp/the kennel, since Foxy gets her shoulder replacement surgery tomorrow morning. I will keep you posted on the surgery and camp. Happy travels.

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