Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Dinner

I seem to think about food lately and so decided to write about the perfect Easter dinner. First you must have as much of your family and friends to help you with the dinner, especially the eating part. The whole family troops to church in their Sunday best, perhaps a new frock or hat in the case of HW2. Certain hymns have to be sung and enjoyed. Perhaps the minister or pastor will give a briefer than usual sermon. Everyone who is a regular attendee can comment on the people they have not seen since Christmas, and then home for a great dinner.

You have to have ham, but you could have turkey or lamb (baaad for you and the lamb), as your main course. Then you need several types of potatoes both sweet and white. Vegetables I will leave to your favorites. Accompanying this must be deviled eggs and pickles and other additions. Bread or home made rolls would be good and finally a wonderful dessert like coconut cream cake to top it all off.

If the women cooked this fantastic meal then the men should do the cleanup to share this task. Finally good fellowship, lots of stories and laughter are for the shank end of the day. You will certainly not need an evening meal unless there is a bit of ham still calling your name.

I can think of lots of other possible additions or subtractions to this wonderful meal but leave that to you and your family traditions. Joetta, "You do not have to have Asparagus!" Happy gathering and eating. Have a blessed Easter.


C and J said...
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sperlonga said...

I always thought it was a bit froward to have ham on a holiday we sort of got from the Jewish tradition of Passover. Well, coming after it anyway. BTW, we have lamb! :) Jesus is the lamb sacrificed for us. It helps us remember. However, this year Den leaves at 2 for Hawaii. No Easter dinner for us!

C and J said...

Of course, that does not mean he really expects to have his "dream dinner," he's just salivating over the idea! And, also, asparagus really should be on the menu! Happy eating, Sweetie!

Anonymous said...

We are having our asparagus tonight. So you don't have to worry Grandad!!!!! No asparagus for Easter Dinner for you!!!!! :-) But I have to admit, I like asparagus. Maybe it will grow on you.