Monday, March 3, 2008

Wonderful Sunday

On Sunday Tim got his three girls ready for church and a play day later at Great Wolf Lodge down in Kansas City. The girls were all packed and so excited to be doing something with their dad. We all went to church and got to see the renewed parlor floor and our many friends. After the service we talked with many friends, and another half-hour quickly slipped away as we caught up on their busy lives. Then home to change and then off to Rachel and Dennis's house for Sunday dinner.

Rachael had mad a wonderful dinner of roast beef, carrots, green beans, mashed potatoes, Yorkshire pudding and gravy, of course. We feasted and had a lively discussion with their son Will about the current political scene. Then we played pinochle for the afternoon. In the middle of the game they got a Skype call from our mutual friends Beth and Harold, who are traveling for three months in Australia. What fun to be able to see and talk with them and learn how their trip is going! Apparently, the exchange rate is making the trip more expensive than planned, but they are coping and having a wonderful time. They go to Tasmania next to see an aunt, and I kept thinking, "Maybe a Tasmanian Devil, too." I do wonder whether people often see such critters but kept that stray thought to myself until now.

Back to the card game, which was such fun. We never seem to care how it goes or who wins, but just enjoy the chance to be together and continue our good fellowship.

It started to rain and then turned to snow and sleet so when the game was finished, we headed back up to Tim's house to care for the dogs and quietly ended this fun day by watching a movie, 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin', about the Greeks in WWII. Then early to bed to read and off to sleep. I do recommend the movie to you; it stars Nicholas Cage and Penelope Cruz.

1 comment:

sperlonga said...

Glad you got everything to work OK and you enjoyed the movie. Great views of the sea! Don't you want to stay there awhile???