Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Wind Gods and Bedsheets

I think that the wind gods heard me saying to bring it on and so they did last night. We both woke up to a general shaking and stayed awake for awhile. I listened for the train sound of a passing tornado but tired of that past time and fell back asleep. Somewhere around here we have a special radio that alerts you to bad weather so that you can race to your cellar, which we don't have. I guess we could get in the car and race to the bath house or.... Where is that radio when you need it.

I heard Lowell Thomas laughingly tell on his radio show about a woman who tried to drive off the northern lights by flapping a bed sheet. This really tickled him because he couldn't stop his laughter and finish his broadcast. I wonder if I could find that woman to flap her sheets at our winds. Probably have the same effect maybe turn them into northern lights and at least stop the wind. It is relatively quiet here this morning and I am committed to the idea that spring is in the air. Happy spring and moderation in those winds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The wind woke me up last night too. It rearranged a few things on the farm, but no damage!!
