Saturday, March 1, 2008

Have You Tried SKYPE Today?

Today we talked with friends Beth and Harold by using SKYPE. Since they are in Australia, and we did not have to pay for the call, we enjoyed it thoroughly. HW2 downloaded a SKYPE program, which is free on the Internet, and installed it on the computer, and this is what we used. You do have to have a web cam andor microphone on your computer or buy these attachments. Then when you call the person, you get to hear them talking and to see their faces as they are visiting, and they get the same from you. This is very high tech as far as I am concerned. What a delight to try out this technology and also visit with our good friends! We are hoping to be able to talk with Kristy and kids when they are in China on their visit. Now that will be a delight as well!

If you get SKYPE installed, try and call us and we can visit. Enjoy!!!!!

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